The world’s largest marketplace for stock footage and music now offers a 20% discount for its first-time customers. So, if you have never used Pond5 services for some reason, you have a chance to get access to millions of images, sound effects, 3D models, and other media by using code 4kshoot20.
The company has also recently launched Free Media Challenge where you can create a 12-15 second short video using only free assets available on All entrants receive the chance to win one of three grand prizes in addition to an algorithm-boosting shoutout on Pond5 social channels.

Image Credit: Pond5
The first 50 entrants will receive a $50 Pond5 credit, so make sure to get your submissions in early. Also, check out the complete Contest Rules before you begin. The final submission deadline is May 28, 2021.
Your final video should be 12-15 seconds long and can include footage, photos, or both. Don’t forget to add some sweet Free Collection music to set the tone of your final project.
Your story could win:
- First Place
- $500 Pond5 Credit
- 1 Month Pond5 Membership
- $250 B&H Gift Card
- Exclusive Pond5 Merch
- Second Place
- $250 Pond5 Credit
- $100 B&H Gift Card
- Exclusive Pond5 Merch
- Third Place
- $100 Pond5 Credit
- Exclusive Pond5 Merch
After the final submission deadline, the Pond5 judging panel will select their top three favorites based on creativity, storyline, and originality. They will post the finalists on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Finally, it’s up to Pond5 users to decide who takes the first, second, and third place prizes. The winners will be announced by the end of June. If you want to take part in this Free Media Challenge, head over to Pond5’s website here.
[source: Pond5]
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