Check Out This DJI Mini 2 Hand Launching Trick

No doubt that the DJI Mini 2 is the best drone that can fit in the palm of your hand. It’s got the pedigree of a class-leading line of drones and the specs to back it up. Oh, and it’s under the magical 250g mark that makes it so that you don’t need a license and registration just to get it up in the air.

You probably want to make the most of it when you do get it out and one fun trick is getting it to launch straight out of your hand. Brought to us by Matheww Brennan is a nice guide on how to pull off hand launching and catching yourself.

Among the first things to consider for hand launching and catching it making sure it is safe. There is an easy way to hurt yourself, just accidentally put your fingers in the propellers.

Fortunately, it isn’t normally enough to do real damage when it’s a tiny drone like the Mini 2. You have to be confident while you do it, but it can be very safe. There are moments where hand catching is the best option, such as operating from a boat.

To do hand launch is very safe. Just hold the bottom lightly out away from you.

The first method is the auto take off method. Using the basic take off button and while holding the drone you can feel the drone start to pull away and you can just let it go. The second is manual take off. While holding the drone just hit the joysticks down and towards the middle.

Image Credit: DJI

This will turn the propellers on and when you are ready hit up on the joystick to take off. Third is called the “nudge” method. Start the same way as manual to get the props going, but then pull it down and then jerk it upwards and the propellers should just speed up and launch.

For hand catching, you need to be careful. If you just try it without thinking you’ll notice the drone is trying to run away from you thanks to obstacle avoidance sensors.

The safest method is to put your hand out with the drone hovering in the air above it. Once positioned just press down on the joystick and it should lower right into your hand. Just make sure to securely and carefully grab it.

Matheww uses a different method, which is to do the same positioning, quickly grab the drone and turn it upside down. The act of turning it upside down will shut it off. There is still the option to hold your hand out and use the autoland option, but that is a few too many steps in his opinion.

To be perfectly safe, you will want to avoid doing this on super windy days. Gusts of winds can easily blow it off target and into you. You also need to be confident when you are making your moves.

Have you tried hand launching and landing before?

[source: Matheww Brennan]

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