Tamron is Developing a Mobile App to Update and Adjust Its Lenses

Tamron is developing an app for Android mobile devices that can update the firmware in Tamron lenses and adjust the lens itself with custom configurations.

The app will use a USB-C connection that presumably will be included in future Tamron lenses, and will be based on the current Tamron Lens Utility desktop app for macOS and Windows.

The app will also enable photographers to update lens and camera firmware, and make adjustments and customizations to buttons and rings within the lens design.

Users will be able to switch from manual focus adjustment to aperture adjustment with a single tap, which changes the Focus Ring Function from focus adjustment to aperture adjustment using the Focus Set Button.

Image Credit – Tamron

However, a feature most important to video content creators will be the ability to remotely pull focus. The app will enable photographers to set two points of focus, as well as the speed at which the rack focus will be accomplished.

The focus can be performed in .1 second increments without having to add complicated and expensive follow-focus attachments. The focus point can also be programmed to move the focus to the recorded point with a single tap of the focus button.

Image Credit – Tamron

To date, there are currently only two Tamron lenses that are supported by the Lens Utility desktop app, including the Tamron 35–150mm F2–2.8 Di III VXD (Model A058) and the Tamron 28–75mm F2.8 Di III VXD G2 (Model A063).

However, since Tamron is investing time and resources into porting the desktop app onto a mobile platform, it’s likely that the company will make connectivity part of its lens designs moving forward.

Professional content creators enjoy wireless follow focus operation with an attachment, and can even do so with a mobile app. But for low-budget and independent photographers and videographers who can’t afford to invest thousands more on top of their lenses to remotely operate them, this Tamron app could be a good alternative.

Currently, the app is being developed to support Android devices running AndroidOS 6 (Marshmallow) and above. A USB-C to USC-C cable will also be required to connect the lenses to the Android device.

There is no word if Tamron is considering releasing an iOS version, and it likely won’t come until Apple transitions away from the lightning data port on the iPhone. Until the mobile app is released, users can download the Desktop version at the Tamron website.

[source: Tamron]

Order Links:

Tamron 35–150mm F2–2.8 Di III VXD for Sony E Mount (B&H)
Tamron 28–75mm F2.8 Di III VXD G2 for Sony E Mount (B&H)

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